
I’d like to make a gift right now! How can I do so?

Praise the Lord! We couldn’t be more thankful for your participation in the mission. Your investment in the Kingdom of God will reap eternal fruit! For your convenience, online gifts can be made by clicking HERE.

We’re so glad you’re here!

You’ve arrived at this page because you’ve seen our support letter, or watched our support video, or had a conversation with our pastor about making an investment in kingdom mission of The After Church. The fact that you’ve made it to this page means you’re exploring further, and that’s exciting!

In the last six months, the COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected every one of us in a myriad of ways. Individuals, businesses, organizations, and churches have all felt the strain. The After Church, like many small churches, has felt the financial hit of its membership. However, unlike larger churches and organizations, small churches do not have the buffer of a wide financial support base to help us through the lean times. In order to continue fulfilling the mission God has called us to, we need the assistance of the Body of Christ! Thank you so much for prayerfully considering a financial gift to the mission of The After Church, and the kingdom of God.

As you consider whether the Lord has called you to financially partner with us, we’d like to help answer some of your potential questions

What will the money be used for?

We are thankful that our annual budget, with all line items included, is already very slim ($58,000). That means that even a small gift from a donor will be immediately felt! But with the strain of the last six months, the ways in which we have had to “tighten the belt” have been in limiting actual ministry costs in order to pay our minimum monthly bills. Your investment allows us to fully engage in the ministry efforts we believe the Lord has called us to.

Has the church leadership done all they can to wisely reduce costs?

We believe we have. We have frozen all unnecessary spending, recycled material wherever possible, and eliminated redundant costs. The pastor has also taken a 40% reduction in pay.

What are some examples of missional efforts that make The After Church unique?

The After Church is one of a small handful of evangelical churches in the Michiana area, and we are currently the only church with a presence on the campus of Notre Dame. This is so special to our hearts! We deeply desire to pour into the Notre Dame community by providing bible studies, meals, resources, outreach events and service opportunities to students, faculty and staff.

Is every financial investment in The After Church tax deductible?

YES! The After Church is a registered 501c3 Non-Profit, and as such, any type of donation, whether monetary or goods, is entirely tax-deductible

I have more questions. Is there anyone I can speak to directly?

Definitely! Our Lead Pastor Sweh Velilla would be delighted to have a conversation with you to speak further on these things. He can be reached directly by email at sweh@theafterchurch.com

I can’t commit to a financial contribution. Is there anything else I can do?

Yes! The most important thing you can do is pray. Pray for God to open doors for our church to do what he has called us to; pray for God to use us to further his Kingdom; pray for the lost to be saved, and for disciples to be made.

But you can also enlist others on our behalf. Consider sharing this material with the pastor or leadership of your church. Perhaps there are ways that your church can participate. Even if the church budget does not have room, could there be opportunity for a fundraising event, or love offering? Are there small groups looking for a place to invest mission offerings? Are there things like used AV equipment that the church can donate? All of these and more are ways to partner on our behalf.

You’ve inspired me. Show me where to donate!

Great! Click HERE